
7 years: Day 5...What makes it Work

We have a few survival method's that have worked for us so far. I have to say, for the most part being married is feels easy. Well, it feels easy on a regular day. I'm pretty sure it feels easy b/c of the hard work we put in on a daily basis. Some of it feels like an old habit that we probably don't even recognize we do and some...well some we have to continue to work really hard on! I'll write out a few, knowing I will probably leave out a lot.

1. The Lord. We both are believers and have a foundation in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2. We had GREAT pre-marital counselor's. One of their main objectives was to teach us how to fight. They prayed for us to fight...and fight we did! Never have we fought as much as when we were going through pre-marital counseling, planning an out of town wedding and finishing college. A few tips have helped us through those fights and I did finally ask them to please stop praying for us to fight!

  • H.A.L.T- Don't fight if you are Hungry, Angry, Late or Tired
  • Try not to use the words never, ever, or always in a discussion or while fighting.
  • NEVER EVER EVER use the "D" word in any argument or in your home or with each other.
  • Figure out how the other one fights and communicate about it. If one likes to leave the room tell the other person when you will be back. Blake is a verbal processor and I am somewhere in the middle leaning more towards internal processor. We def. had to learn how to fight!
  • NEVER ever use cuss words. It shuts this house down and we do not continue that discussion.
  • We have learned to seek forgiveness, admit wrongs and give forgiveness.
  • Once an argument or discussion has been talked about, we don't bring it up again to throw in someone's face. It's over...or so we try really hard to do this!
3. Community- I had a strong community around my family growing up. My dad would always say "You will sink without community". So after 2 years of marriage we found a great group of friends. The Lord def. orchestrated us together and with a few friends weaving in and out, we've been together for 4-5 years! We could not make it without our community group.

4. We have no secrets. None.

5. We have family night. Right now this looks like Blake and I talking about our week, what we've learned in the word and watching or listening to a sermon, discussion or something about God. It took us a long time to get here but Blake really leads out in this area and it happens almost every week. I'm so proud of him for leading us this way.

6. We have fun. We really enjoy our little family and try to take advantage of the time or days we have together. We support each other and try to be each other's biggest fan! 

7. Love and Respect. This booked changed.our.marriage. It's a must read in my opinion. This was the first " what makes it work" out of Blake's mouth so ladies...Read the book :)!! 

One more day until 7 years! Happy Anniversary Weekend Blake.

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