
7 years: Day 2

As I sit down to write another memory of our past 11 years together a few events came to mind.

1. I remember our first Valentine's. Cliche, I know. I think I got a card that looked like this on the front (below). I love coffee and well, the heart is for valentine's of course! Also, I so happen to have been given a CD with Captain Correlli's mandolin songs on it b/c our first kiss happened during that movie. And...the best part is it started playing when I started my car. Oh the romance to catch a girl :)

 2. I remember this week captured by a picture below. Blake was in a club (can't call them fraternities at ACU, you might leave someone out) called SubT. They were known for stealing roses around Abilene and giving them to their date at the party. Well, it didn't happen that year. Something about either a) the dean got on to them or b) there weren't any roses. Well, I'm sure we got some sort of prize anyway like roses actually bought from a store.
Since the guys couldn't steal any roses, me and a friend went out the next week or so and "borrowed" all the flowers and roses we could find around Abilene and filled Blake's car completely full. Sounds like something a girl would love, maybe that's why I did it? Who knows, it was fun though! Here is our date night below 2002. Notice my denim jacket and the roses behind us! So romantic.

3. I remember this dance social as well. We actually came to Dallas, the big terrible city I hated before living here for the past 7 years. I remember this b/c Blake had to take all the bobby pins out of my hair and well...I have a lot of hair! I thought my hair looked great but looking at in these pictures it looks like someone went crazy on the corn rows! ha. I bet he took bobby pins out of my hair after our wedding too.

Oh yeah, and you should know we were dressed up for this. We wore a dress and tie, I didn't get my hair fixed for a t-shirt/jeans event. I think it was at the Dallas Aquarium. The same Aquarium I think twice about taking Parke to b/c it cost $20 an adult. Really, it does. I'm still amazed at the backdrops we came up with. It's so great! 

So, year 2 was a fun year. We were at ACU w/o a curfew and I think we had many days driving around, listening to the radio and talking like best friends do...Best Friends who finally decided to call it dating instead.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

everything in me wants to comment about your hair...
but i will refrain and say... i like these posts :)