We had a great day today and loved have everyone over. We had 14 adults in my little house for Easter lunch! It wasn't today that something caught me by surprise but yesterday....
Blake and I were driving in my car and I started thinking about Easter weekend last year. We bought a new car and it's the weekend we conceived. So I thought I was casually telling Blake "Easter last year, we conceived" when my voice broke and a lump got caught in my throat. I didn't expect for my heart to sink and my voice to crack as I mentioned last years events-it caught me by surprise.
I didn't dwell there, but I did remember. It actually kind of came and went until this morning in church. The first song we sang corporately was Blessed be Your Name. I couldn't finish the song without tears. To think of where we were last year, what we were hoping for and to know the Lord did in fact Give-and Take Away....and Give.
Even more strong- the emotions and memories of that combined with Easter were with overwhelming gratitude to God. Today is not about me AT ALL. I am however, thankful for what Christ has done for me. I think Easter is now my favorite holiday b/c of the meaning and reason we celebrate. I am, We are, able to live today... forgiven, free, worshiping a Savior who defeated death on a cross. This means life's trials- they can and will be overcome through Christ. I do not have to mourn the loss of our first pregnancy daily because Christ has defeated it, I can get up, I have strength today and a heart of gratitude, I simply can not put into words, b/c my Savior lives. My cup is full....I am ever so thankful.
I remembered too. Thought of you all morning and prayed for joy :) Love you and am sooo beyond blessed to call you friend. Cant wait for may 19th and the gift to be revealed!! He is good, even admist the pain and not understanding....He remains the same. Oh so good! Love you today and everyday.
I've experienced with "my" family (in KY)the first Easter following the loss of their child, and the depth of it remains. So precious to connect your pains AND your blessings with the cross...the tomb...and even the horrible day in between.
I'm looking forward to reading your first book, Erynn!
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