
Heads Down....Thumbs Up

We are officially heads down people! I went to the doctor today and as you know, this little one has been content to be heads up! I layed down and she started feeling where she thought the baby was. By the way, that is not comfortable at all....She said she thought the head was down but I was not convinced (of course). So we moved over to the sono room and took a quick gander at the little one and he/she is heads down, bottoms up, feet in my right side. By right side I mean like almost to my back-amazing. Like the picture...literally. Pray he/she stays heads down.

She asked if I had been having any contractions and I think I've just had braxton hicks. When I was laying on the table she confirmed that I was actually having a contraction at that moment. So, little one....stay inside for another 5 weeks PLEASE...and we will meet you around May 19!

I think I was actually content in thinking this baby was not heads down b/c in my mind it meant he/she couldn't come out. I guess I do need to finish up those books, read up on labor/delivery and come up with all of our little "plans". Parenting, here we come!

PS- 3 more weeks at work.

1 comment:

Jessibee08 said...

yay!!!!!!!!!!! What an answered prayer. You will be amazing in labor/delivery!!! :) No worries, your body was CREATED to do this!
I love you and am so excited that baby is getting prepared to come out and meet us. :) We are all so excited for this baby's arrival. and will be praying that it comes in the LORD's time and not a moment too soon! :)
Love you lots.