
Just Thinking

There have been a few things running through my mind lately. Flashes of memories.

The first picture came when I was driving home from work the other day. The song "Mighty to Save" came on. I will forever remember my friend Sara singing this through prayer when we got pregnant the first time. Now, if you know her, you know she has a free spirit. One I wish I had more often. We were thanking God for the life he had created and she thanked Him by singing the short chorus to that song. So when it came on, and every time it comes on...I think of that time. Thankful for the first life he entrusted us with, and thankful for the little one he has given us now. And then my thoughts went to the little one we are currently pregnant with. How do I explain all of this to him/her. How do I share the depths of the Lords goodness? How do I share these memories, these precious moments in hopes he/she can share in the goodness of the Lord. What things will happen in this child's life for them to know the Lord is Mighty?

The second picture came when I was driving out of our driveway on my way to work. The picture was of the girls in the backyard with me the day after we found out about our miscarriage. They too did not understand the reason behind our loss and they too cried and questioned God. Again- I remembered the Lord and His faithfulness through this group of women around me.

So in praying for this child, I of course am inclined to pray that this child will not know pain. I've prayed from the very beginning this child will not know infertility BUT what if he/she does? How great the Father's love will be shown, how great will their understanding be of the Lord's might and strength, how great is His faithfulness.

The valley was long for me, it was difficult to say the least a lot of the time, it is something I still process through BUT Oh....how sweet was the Lord in all of it. I will forever look at life a little differently, pregnancy differently, and my Lord....differently.

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