
Julie and Julia...I am NOT

First let me say, the movie Julie and Julia is absolutely fabulous! It's been so long since I've seen a movie in the theater that I truly enjoyed but this one did it. I think I would like to make the chocolate cake with almonds surrounding it from the film-it looked so wonderful!

This brings me to dinner this evening at the Shipley household. I came home from work and didn't want the same chicken with the same salad....I quickly looked at my pork recipes and pulled out one titled "Pulled Pork". I read over the instructions and realized it called for 4-5 hours in the crockpot but I only had 1.5 at the most! The pork was frozen but it was better than chicken-SO I THOUGHT....

I quickly dethawed the pork, like you are NOT supposed to do. Looked at all the ingredients and quickly started pouring into the crockpot. This recipe called for unsweetened coco, which I had so I added it in. To my surprise I dumped ALOT more coco in then the recipe called for. I quickly scooped most of it out and went on my way. I also thought it would be genius to cut the pork in little pieces so it would cook faster therefore allowing my 1.5 hours to be totally sufficient. I set the timer and enjoyed my book for about an hour.

I then realized I needed a side dish. Since salad wasn't on the menu I thought I would just make spinach. A dash of salt and real butter (I forgot I do not savor the taste of butter). Another disaster indeed.

The timer dinged and dinner was ready. I served our plates and we sat down at the dinner table, prayed and dug in. One look at Blake's face and this was a meal that would go on his "worst dishes you've ever made list". He said " I don't mean this offensively, but when you looked at the ingredients did you think this would be good?"..."it tastes like stuff I drank during pledging."-no offense taken my dear.

At this point I too put down my fork. I could not eat another bite of pork or spinach. What is the cheapest thing for dinner when you are on a budget....BUENO!
Bean burrito's to the rescue. Needless to say I threw this recipe away after I threw the pork and spinach out as well. Moral of the story-eat more Bueno :)


Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I would do ANYTHING to have Bueno in Seattle!!!

Anonymous said...

O.K. that was really funny! I am still chuckling. Poor Blake!
He was probably starving and had his mouth all watering and then..... Seems like your mom could have taught you how to cook or something....:)

Angela said...

LOVE BUENO!! Have it once a day when out west...baby, I could top your story...but it's YOUR blog!...cooking genius is over-rated.