I haven't blogged in a while. Haven't really been sure what to write about. A lot going on in my head but nothing I have put into writing. I do have to share the following pictures with you though. First, Ed and Einstein came to stay with us for a few days. As you will see below Ed LOVES Owen but unfortunately, Owen is less than thrilled. What I didn't capture on camera is Owen hiding in the garage from Ed peaking out of the doggy door to see if he was gone yet-NOPE, still sitting patiently waiting for Owen to come out! I believe Mike has always wondered about Ed and if he liked boys or girls-the verdict is no longer out...Ed officially is in doggy love with Owen. We have other pictures to prove it! ha
This is the swing in my grandparents backyard. When my miscarriage happened my Granny called concerned about me and told me she wished I could sit on her swing and talk with her for a while. It was really sweet and I think I will always remember those words. If you've ever met my Granny I know you love her!
The swing held all three of us but it was uncertain for a minute! This is my grandad joining the picture. I love my grandparents and I was excited to go see them this weekend. They have come here the last couple of years so it was great to go back home to Abilene!
My mom and I took a road trip just the 2 of us. It was a lot of fun and the drive went by fast since we got carried away in conversation.
I know this picture isn't the greatest but I had to capture it. First, they look so happy and my Granny looks beautiful. Second, from as far as I can remember this is what they do when we leave. They don't go back inside or stop waiving until we are out of sight! I have fond memories of this too, and crying to go back and see them. I had a great weekend, thanks granny/grandad.
Has anyone told you lately that you are an outstanding writer? Your grandparents are a treasure and I'm thankful you got some good 1-on-1 time with your mom. I love these pics!
Thumbprint cookies at McKays are the best! I am headed to Abilene next weekend to move my sister in Nelson dorm!!! I will have to introduce her to McKay's bakery.
your grandparents still look so great. they are so precious. i love that they are doing well.
meeting in the middle sounds like a fantastic idea. i'm all in...miss you!
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