Thankful today for family and community. I have had a few moments of missing our baby today and have thought back to when community and family stepped in. I don’t know if I’ve written about the fear that can come with exposing my heart and life concerning infertility and miscarriage. We don’t get to be the couple who surprises other’s with news of pregnancy b/c everyone knows our doctor appt’s, hormone levels, sonograms etc. This is wonderful for the most part. It did however, become a sinking and fearful feeling as we drove home that day from the dr. office. What do we tell people, who do we call, and Oh My Gosh-We have A LOT of people to tell. That was an overwhelming feeling. It was a sinking feeling and all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and die.
After taking a few hours to ourselves we thought of someone to call within our community group. It was scary again making that phone call-not in a scared of the dark kind of way but in the – I’m about to be vulnerable again and expose every emotion going through me kind of scared. I made the phone call when I collected myself and thankfully that is all I had to do. 1 phone call folks.
After taking a few hours to ourselves we thought of someone to call within our community group. It was scary again making that phone call-not in a scared of the dark kind of way but in the – I’m about to be vulnerable again and expose every emotion going through me kind of scared. I made the phone call when I collected myself and thankfully that is all I had to do. 1 phone call folks.
And this is what followed:
Everyone in our community was notified in minutes.
Everyone in our community was notified in minutes.
They called my boss at work to let them know what was going on.
An email was sent out to people around me to let them know what to say and what not to say and tips on how to deal appropriately with the situation.
Meals were set up for us for 2 weeks- I couldn’t believe that.
Scriptures and encouragement were sent through text.
Cards showed up in our mailbox
The WM staff was notified as well and so many of them served us during that time.
My desk is still covered with scripture today from an unknown friend who wanted my welcome back to be a good one. It was VERY difficult for me to come back to work and the scripture that covers my desk was such a great surprise.
I also had a surprise song/dance when I came back.
I want the people in my life to know how very dear they are and were to me during that time. Everyone around me made my loss seem real and valid. They didn’t pretend it would all go away or that it wouldn’t be life changing-they embraced it, embraced me, embraced us and walked through it with grace, patience, love and humility. Family and friends are priceless in those moments. Thank you.
1 comment:
You are an amazing friend to so many. Love you
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