
Your name and renown....

Recently I've been reading in Jeremiah. For the last week I have read and re-read the same 2 chapters. Jer. 32 and 33. I have also thought about a song or two talking about "blessed be his name-when I'm found in the desert place, though there's pain in the offering-blessed be his name." How much harder those words are to sing now in the valley or in the desert place then when I so flippantly sang them in the easy, happy go lucky times in my life. Looking back, I did sing them in faith that if something were to happen that wasn't so easy -I would praise His name no matter what-having no idea how difficult that very thing might be.

This leads me to Jer. 32 &33. Please read both chapters if you choose so you will have context.

Chapter 33:5-9 Now this brought me hope:
After reading of a deserted field full of death the Lord goes on to say "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it." "I will bring peace, rebuild them, cleanse them, and forgive them...Only after he brought the lifeless fields and lifeless people new life would the they bring renown, joy and praise to the Lord so others would notice and be in awe of his abundant prosperity and peace....

Alright, so if my life, and our lives as Christians here on earth have to resemble the field and the people of Judah/Israel in death and despair so through that God can restore, rebuild and repair us to bring renown to His name-then as difficult as it is to sing and live it and as tempting as it is to call it quits and bail: By His grace we will sing- Blessed be his name, when I’m found in the desert place, though I walk through the wilderness. Blessed be His name. Blessed be His name, on the road marked with suffering. Though there’s pain in the offereing, blessed be His name. Only because Isa 26:8..His name and renown are the desires of our hearts.

1 comment:

matthew said...

Thanks for sharing this - it is much needed and timely encouragement in my own life.