
a few of my favorite things...

Okay, here are a few of my favorite things from my 2 week break...things I would like to "blink" and remember. I have to say: I could be a professional stay at home "friend"! For those of you who usually get a Christmas card from us: Don't be offended, we didn't send one out!  

First Let me welcome: Caroline Hayden Moore  to the world! 
Congratulations Matt and Katie!

The girls wearing matching pajamas on Christmas morning. Blake loves flannel pants!

Blake doing demo on our kitchen! We are almost done....

Our community group came over to cheer us up: We ate dinner together and painted...can you guess what we painted?

V playing guitar hero on New Years.

1 comment:

Craving the Good... said...

I love this post. You are the best. I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow morning