
Tagged...you're it

I was tagged....Here we go I'm also changing this to 5 things b/c 7 is way to many!!

5 Things I want to do before I die...
1.become a mom
2.go back to capri
3. go to several fabulous beaches
4. buy an old house to live in forever  and fix it up with my hubbs
5. see my children come to know Christ

5 Things I can do...
1. clean with the best of em'
2. shop
3. run but choose not to :)
4. be creative/crafty
5. throw great baby showers! ha....

5 things I can not do...
1. speak in front of large crowds
2. speak a second language
3. athletics :)
4. paint (although I'm trying to teach myself)
5. ski

5 things that attract me to my hubby
1. His character (servant)
2. His goofiness
3. His intuition
4. His eyes, smile, hands, chest, (whole package)
5.  His passions

5 things I say Most Often
1. brrr rabbit
2. doneskee
3. yeppers
4. ovulation, eggs, doctor, hormones
5. love you

5 Celebrity Crushes
1. Seth Cohen aka Adam Brody
2. Brett Favre
3. McDreamy
4. Brad Pitt (why not)
5. Bend it like Beckham

5 Peeps I'm tagging
1. Sara
2. Katie
3. V
4. Lindsey
5. Aleks :)

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